
[swanvectorvariable, Vxpoint, Vypoint] = swanvectorvarspvariedsct(xgrid, ygrid, xpoint, ypoint, Vx, Vy, savedata, outfilename, outfilelocation, CalcMethod)


Generate SWAN file for spatially varied vector variable from scattered input data



x (longitude) of output grid points as a [M*N] array


y (latitude) of output grid points as a [M*N] array

x (longitude) of the location (such as meteorological station) that vector variable is known in that location
as a [L] array
1st element is 1st point, 2nd element is 2nd point, 3rd element is 3rd point, …
y (latitude) of the location (such as meteorological station) that vector variable is known in that location
as a [L] array
1st element is 1st point, 2nd element is 2nd point, 3rd element is 3rd point, …
Variable in x direction (x component of input variable) as a [K*L] array
K is number of time steps for a time series
1st row (i.e. [1,:]) is 1st time step, 2nd row (i.e. [2,:]) is 2nd time step, …
Example: windvel(1,:) is the wind velocity data for all points at the first time step
L is number of points (such as meteorological stations) that wind velocity is known in those locations
L should be L>=3
1st column (i.e. [:,1]) is 1st point, 2nd column (i.e. [:,2]) is 2nd point, 3rd column (i.e. [:,3]) is 3rd point, …
Example: windvel(:,1) is the wind velocity data for all time steps at the first point
Variable in y direction (y component of input variable) as a [K*L] array
K is number of time steps for a time series
1st row (i.e. [1,:]) is 1st time step, 2nd row (i.e. [2,:]) is 2nd time step, …
Example: windvel(1,:) is the wind velocity data for all points at the first time step
L is number of points (such as meteorological stations) that wind velocity is known in those locations
L should be L>=3
1st column (i.e. [:,1]) is 1st point, 2nd column (i.e. [:,2]) is 2nd point, 3rd column (i.e. [:,3]) is 3rd point, …
Example: windvel(:,1) is the wind velocity data for all time steps at the first point
Define if save data in a file or not
‘no’: does not save
‘yes’: save data as ascii file
Name of output file between ‘ ‘ mark, example: ‘swanwind.wnd’
outfilename should have proper name and extension

Location of output file between ‘ ‘ mark, example: ‘C:' in MATLAB, or ‘C:/’ in Python

Interpolation method
‘linear’: Use default or ‘linear’ method to interpolate
‘nearest’: Use nearest neighbor method to interpolate


Spatially varied vector variable data formated for SWAN
Vector variable data at each time step is assigned into the grid points
Nearest interpolated vector variable in x direction at (xpoint,ypoint) as a [K*L] array
K is number of time steps for a time series
L is number of points (such as meteorological stations) that vector variable in x direction is known in those locations
Nearest interpolated vector variable in y direction at (xpoint,ypoint) as a [K*L] array
K is number of time steps for a time series
L is number of points (such as meteorological stations) that vector variable in y direction is known in those locations


windvelx=[[10.5,10.55,10.6];[10.64,10.69,10.74];[10.7,10.75,10.8];[10.4,10.45,10.5]]; %Data for 4 time steps
windvely=[[1.5,1.55,1.6];[1.64,1.69,1.74];[1.7,1.75,1.8];[1.4,1.45,1.5]]; %Data for 4 time steps
xpoint=[-90.5;-90.3;-90.7]; %Data are known at 3 locations
ypoint=[29.2;29;28.8]; %Data are known at 3 locations

windvelx=[10.5,10.55,10.6]; %Data for 1 time step
windvely=[1.5,1.55,1.6]; %Data for 1 time step
xpoint=[-90.5;-90.3;-90.7]; %Data are known at 3 locations
ypoint=[29.2;29;28.8]; %Data are known at 3 locations


Booij, N. R. R. C., Ris, R. C., & Holthuijsen, L. H. (1999). A third‐generation wave model for coastal regions: 1. Model description and validation. Journal of geophysical research: Oceans, 104(C4), 7649-7666.

SWAN Team. (2007). S WAN user manual. Delft University of Technology. The Netherlands.